

Transparency in billing


Medicare and the health insurance system can be quite complicated! We strive to make our fees simple and transparent. To assist you we have provided a brief explanation of the different costs and rebates available.

Specialist appointments in a clinic are classed as outpatient services and this allows you to receive a Medicare rebate which will partially reimburse your costs. You will receive a higher benefit from Medicare if your medical costs in a calendar year reach the Medicare safety net threshold. Private health funds do not cover outpatient services.

Dr Wickham’s fees are outlined below.

Gynaecological Fees

ServiceFeeMedicare Rebate
Gynaecology Consultation with New Referral$270$84.15
Gynaecology Consultation with New Referral (60 mins)$380$84.15
Follow-up Gynaecology Consultation (20 mins)$125$42.30
Follow-up Gynaecology Consultation (30 mins)$190$42.30
Telehealth Consultation with New Referral$270$84.15
Follow-up Telehealth Consultation$125$42.30
Phone Review (<10 mins)Bulk-billed-
Phone Review (>10 mins)$125$42.30
Complex Paperwork Administration Fee$125-
Repeat Scripts$20-

Associated Medical Procedures

ServiceItem NumberFeeMedicare Rebate
Insertion of IUD (Mirena, Kyleena, Copper)35503$200$77.65
Removal of IUD (Mirena, Kyleena, Copper)35506$0-
Endometrial Biopsy35620$220$51.70
Colposcopy/Vulvoscopy Only35614$240$61.85
Vulval Biopsy in conjunction with Vulvoscopy/Colposcopy35615 + 35614$355$91.95
Cervical/Vaginal Polyp Removal35611$150$61.95
Vulval Biopsy/Excision of Lesion30071$205$50.60
Implanon Insertion14206$150$34.50
Implanon Removal30062$150$58.85
Insertion of Zoladex Implant14206$150$34.50
Vaginal Pessary for Prolapse-$80-

Antenatal and Pregnancy Management Fee Schedule

ServiceFeeMedicare Rebate
Initial Antenatal Consultation$260$80.00
Subsequent Antenatal Consultation$125$44.15
Pregnancy Management Fee$2700$348.80
Final Antenatal Consultation$140$67.15

Other Costs

There are additional costs that you should budget for during your pregnancy:

  • Blood Tests
  • Ultrasounds - we charge the Medicare rate (no additional out of pocket expense)
  • Paediatrician - for your newborn baby
  • Anaesthetist - if you have an epidural or Cesarean section


Please contact the Celebrate Women medical practice to make an appointment.